Now is a great time to be active. Now is not the time to start extreme sports! Try not to do: Actions that jerk your body such as riding a …
Should I exercise?
For most pregnant people, the answer is yes if your doctor or midwife allows it. If your doctor or midwife says yes, try to exercise about 2 ½ hours every week. …
What if I don’t gain enough weight?
Gaining weight is normal. If you don’t gain enough weight, your baby could be born early. Being born early can lead to health problems. If you are worried about gaining …
Can I take medicine?
You should ask your doctor. Some drugs can affect the health of your baby.Have more questions?Return to libraryCall your Pacify doula
When will I feel better?
Every person is different. You should feel better after about three months. Some people never feel sick. Other people feel sick for nine months. If you feel sick, call your …
What is a Birth Wish List?
Your Birth Wish List is a tool you can use to plan for the delivery you want. The list includes: How you want to manage your labor; Who you want …
When will I feel my baby move?
You should feel your baby move between three and six months. At first, these movements may feel small. Some women say it feels like a flutter, or little bubbles. These …
Do I need more calories?
Yes. You’ll need to eat more food later in your pregnancy to help your baby grow. First three months: You do not need to eat more. Second three months: You …
Why should I work out?
Here are three good reasons to work out: It can help with stress and sleeping.It gives you a good chance of an easy delivery.It can prevent problems such as back …
Can I drink alcohol?
No. There is no known amount of alcohol that is safe to drink while you’re pregnant. If you need help to stop drinking, please talk to your doctor or midwife.I …