In celebration of National Public Health Week 2019, the American Public Health Association's Health Communication Matters series is presenting a special webinar:
Please use this link to join the webinar on Thursday:
The Evolution of Breastfeeding Support: There’s an app for that!
Laura Holland Stokes, BS
Director of Public Health Programs
Laura’s presentation will explore the use of smartphones to improve access to lactation consultants in underserved communities. Attendees will learn how telehealth addresses complex barriers to lactation support.
Maximizing the Value of Your GIS
Este Geraghty, MD, MPH/CPH, GISP
Chief Medical Officer & Health Solutions Director, Esri
Most large public health organizations use ArcGIS software on their desktop and don’t realize that they already have access to free configurable fields apps, open data sites, Story Maps, dashboards and more. This presentation will highlight tools and use cases to advancethe public health uses of GIS.
Laura Stokes is the Director of Public Health Programs at Pacify Health, where she leads the design, implementation, and evaluation of telehealth programs for pregnant and postpartum women. Stokes is passionate about using technology and innovation to improve health equity and address longstanding disparities in access to quality care. She has over ten years of experience in public health program management, including two years at the Centers for Disease Controland Prevention. She first became passionate about public health as a global health volunteer in Tanzania (East Africa). Stokes holds a bachelor’s degree in Policy Analysis and Management from Cornell University.