Meet Your Members
An exclusive view into your perinatal member population
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At Pacify, we’re constantly refining our outreach strategy based on new member behavior data. And we’ll work with you to use this information to reach members where and when they want to be reached, close gaps in access to care and improve health outcomes.
Because most perinatal members are digital natives, we have seen that text and email have been a critical part of our enrollment strategy:
Text outreach has been 3x more successful than traditional methods at enrolling members.
Text campaigns have increased enrollment in the Pacify program by 315%.
Most members enrolled as quickly as 4 minutes after the initial text was sent.
Download the report to learn how to reach more of your members where they are.
About Pacify Health
Pacify provides 24/7 infant feeding support to new and expecting parents. Pacify’s network of IBCLCs and registered nurses have helped families nationwide, resulting in reduced costs and improved outcomes for clients including WIC programs, departments of health, home visiting programs, managed care organizations, hospitals, non-profit organizations and employers. Learn more about Pacify by visiting