At first, breastfeeding might hurt a bit. But here’s something important to know: when it hurts, it means something isn’t quite right. Pain is a sign to check your baby’s …
Is it normal to only have a small amount of colostrum?
Yes! That’s the first stage of your milk production, so it’s normal to only have a small amount. Colostrum can show up during pregnancy and last for several days after …
Diversity in Lactation Consulting Scholarship Recipient – Meet Errin
Pacify is thrilled to announce that we have awarded the Diversity in Lactation Consulting Scholarship to our winner in Ohio, Errin Weaver! Read more about Errin and why she’s excited to …
My baby nurses constantly. Am I producing enough milk?
Breastfeeding is a supply and demand process. The most important part of breastfeeding is feeding on demand so your body knows how much milk to make for your baby. If …
How can I tell if my baby is eating enough?
To evaluate the situation, ask yourself three questions:1.Do you see and hear your baby swallowing when eating?2.Is there evidence in the diaper (multiple pees and poops)?3.Is the baby gaining weight …
How to Prepare for Breastfeeding: 3 essential steps
Preparing for breastfeeding is an exciting and sometimes intimidating aspect of pregnancy. Setting the foundation for a successful and fulfilling breastfeeding experience is essential. In this guide, we’ll walk you …
Diversity in Lactation Consulting Scholarship Recipient – Meet Nabila
Pacify is thrilled to announce that we have awarded the Diversity in Lactation Consulting Scholarship to our winner in Ohio, Nabila Buwe! Read more about Nabila and why she’s excited to …
Diversity in Lactation Consulting Scholarship Recipient – Meet Sherveriria
Pacify is thrilled to announce that we have awarded the Diversity in Lactation Consulting Scholarship to our winner in Ohio, Sherveriria Harris! Read more about Sherveriria and why she’s excited to …
Diversity in Lactation Consulting Scholarship Recipient – Meet Yukeana
Pacify is thrilled to announce that we have awarded the Diversity in Lactation Consulting Scholarship to our winner in Ohio, Yukeana Stallworth! Read more about Yukeana and why she’s excited …