Pacify and March of Dimes are partnering to address the maternal and infant health crisis

Announcing Pacify's Postpartum Doula Network

Dear Stakeholders,

Pacify’s mission from the beginning was to transform the perinatal health space, giving mothers and babies the care they need the moment they need it, 24/7. We started Pacify with a network of lactation consultants, added birth doulas, and now are excited to announce an upcoming addition to complement our existing services. In February, we will be launching our postpartum doula virtual network, a pivotal complement to our current services. This network is crucial to provide a truly holistic and robust suite of care.

Maternal mental health is our priority and doulas are able to support early intervention when a mother may be suffering from postpartum depression. In addition to this launch, we are working closely with Medicaid partners to launch an in-person doula network so pregnant people are able to receive the care they need and deserve. This 2024 year is exciting for Pacify and we encourage you to get in touch with us if there is a way we can help provide care in your communities.

Jennifer Sargent
Pacify President

Ask Pacify

Pacify experts have answered thousands of questions from new & expecting parents. See how valuable it is to have on-demand support the moment you need it:

Question to a lactation consultant:

Q: "How can a Pacify Lactation Consultant help me?"

A: Pacify Lactation Consultants are the best!  They will meet you where you are with your feeding goals, support you no matter how much breast milk you provide your baby, and find solutions to your specific problems. They will honor your feeding decisions, no matter what, and will never make you feel guilty for wanting to wean.

Question to a doula:

Q: "How can a Pacify Doula help me?"

A: Pacify Doulas are an invaluable resource on your journey through pregnancy and into parenthood!
  • Being available 24/7
  • Providing evidence-based information and answering your questions about pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum
  • Giving emotional support
  • Empowering you to make informed decisions and communicate effectively with your healthcare provider
  • Helping you create a birth wishlist and feel more prepared for labor
  • Discussing questions to ask your doctor or midwife at your next prenatal visit
  • Offering doula support during your labor and birth
  • Providing tips and tricks for comfort measures during labor
  • Being a resource person for your birth partner
  • Offering guidance and support after your baby is born

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