Coronavirus (COVID-19) has greatly impacted communities, businesses, and healthcare institutions across the nation. We understand you probably have a lot of questions right now, and we're here to help keep you and your family healthy and safe as we navigate COVID-19 together.
As it relates to pregnancy and breastfeeding, the Centers for Disease Control has provided interim guidance for new and expecting parents. Specifically, the CDC recommends the following direction on breastfeeding for mothers with confirmed COVID-19 or under investigation for COVID-19:
"Breast milk is the best source of nutrition for most infants. However, much is unknown about COVID-19. Whether and how to start or continue breastfeeding should be determined by the mother in coordination with her family and healthcare providers. A mother with confirmed COVID-19 or who is a symptomatic PUI should take all possible precautions to avoid spreading the virus to her infant, including washing her hands before touching the infant and wearing a face mask, if possible, while feeding at the breast. If expressing breast milk with a manual or electric breast pump, the mother should wash her hands before touching any pump or bottle parts and follow recommendations for proper pump cleaning after each use. If possible, consider having someone who is well feed the expressed breast milk to the infant."
Rest assured, Pacify Providers are ready and willing to answer your questions about breastfeeding and COVID-19.
As always, our Pacify Providers are here, 24/7, to answer questions about breastfeeding including, but not limited to:
If you have questions about breastfeeding your baby, please don't hesitate to download Pacify and ask your question.
You can open the app and connect with a breastfeeding expert from the comfort of your home, as many times as you need us. You're not alone - we're here to support you whenever, wherever. We are here to help you now and always.
Check the links below for more from the CDC on how to lower your risk of infection and stay healthy.
How to Keep Your Breast Pump Kit Clean: The Essentials
Preventing the Spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 in Homes and Residential Communities